
Newsweek is back – in Print!

A 14-month break from print is long enough. “Newsweek” went on sale again at kiosks on Friday, 7th March 2014. Since January 2012 the U.S. magazine had been available only in digital form, something that lost it many of its regular readers.

by WAN-IFRA Staff | March 12, 2014

Thus Newsweek (IBT Media) has abandoned its exclusively digital strategy after just over a year and reintroduced a print edition on to the market. Print therefore seems not to be as unattractive as is sometimes claimed. On the contrary: With high-quality paper, a good printing quality and a price set at US$ 7.99 per issue, the news magazine aims to position itself as a premium product.

Chied Editor Jim Impoco got off to a furious start with a story revealing the inventor of Bitcoin, the Internet currency, as the cover story: The topic attracted a great deal of attention and provoked heated discussions.


See also earlier blog posts:

Newsweek is delaying plans for reviving its print edition until early March.

Newsweek plans to relaunch its print magazine in 2014

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